Good Link Management Software
By Alex Skorohodov
How do you know if you’re using Good quality Link Management Software?
There are a lot of flawed software programs out there, and many of them do not offer a full spectrum of utilities that are needed to simplify the link management process.
Does the software create good quality static links pages that are non-dynamic and search engine friendly!
- The dreaded dynamic question mark after a domains url is a killer for a sites rankings. In order to find and acquire good link partners you must make sure your software doesn’t limit you in this respect. No one wants to place their link on a page that will always be limited in page rankings.
Are those static pages easy to manage?
- After you set up your directory are all the pages easy to manage or are you constantly making adjustments?
Does it provide simplified quick ADD/EDIT/DELETE of link partners?
- What about simplified and quick uploading of link partners to your site and can you Add/Delete/Upload multiple link partners at the same time.
Does it provide a preferred link partners status on your pages so you can list them towards the top of your pages or a top list?
- We believe Search engines will weigh links as more valuable that are towards the top of the list and don’t you want to have full control of who is at the top of your directories? We prefer to have our paying customers at the top, shouldn’t you?
What about custom banner control for the software?
- Or are you stuck with the link management companies banner & logo everywhere? Can you customize the software to fit with your sites theme?
Does it allow for multiple domain management remotely?
- If you have three sites, do you have to pay a separate fee for multiple domains? Can you manage them all at one control panel?
Does it create non generic static pages not compromised with the word link everywhere on the url and pages.
- Most links pages are built wrong from the beginning just because of the word link. Does the software allow you to manage the name of your pages, directories and url’s without being forced to use the word link every where?
Will it provide easy site Validation for reciprocation link partners?
- Obviously if your exchanging links you need to verify that your link partners are continuing to link back to you. Even though unintentional, link managers and webmasters will make mistakes and erase pages, upload over pages and even lose pages. Make sure your link is always on their site!
Will it allow for link validation from 3rd party sites or one way link partners?
In other words, if a link partner is providing you a link from a good quality site and your linking to his/her 3rd party site of choice, will the software easily manage and validate a 3way link exchange?
- If a link partner is offering a PR5 or higher link to your site and is asking you to link to another do you turn him down? Definitely not; if the site is of good quality you do not pass up those opportunities. How do you validate link partners if you have multiple sites with link partners that are not actually linking back to that same site, but linking to your main site or multiple favorite sites? Confusing, of course it is. The name of this linking game is to acquire as many link s as possible and who cares if that link is coming from a 3 rd party site! Today’s link management software it’s very difficult to manage 3rd party link exchanges.
Does it provide easy email management between link partners?
- Simplified email management to communicate with those link partners that may have misplaced or moved your link is essential to managing any link campaign.
Does the software allow you to Flag link partners whom you’ve solicited for links?
- I tell you nothing’s more annoying then having to sift through a list of validated links and trying to figure out if the dead reciprocal links are newly solicited or actually dead links that need to be addressed ASAP.
- Solicited links need to sit in your links directory for at least a week or two, if you start deleting them prematurely before a webmaster has time to view your link exchange proposal then you’ve just wasted good research and time locating that link partner.
Will the validation software look for unethical webmasters whom are hiding your links from being indexed from a search engine.
- Some webmasters and link managers will intentionally hide their links pages from being indexed, thus not providing a fair trade. Your linking to them and they appear to be linking to you, but in actuality they are not since their pages will never get indexed by a search engine spider.
- What about flagging page rank changes? If your link partner had your link on a good high quality links page and all of a sudden during the last search engine update their links pages turned to nothing, that should raise an alarming flag.
How easy is it to update new software changes?
- Do you have to be a programming genius to upgrade the software or is the software maintained at one central server?
Does the software allow you to flag the partner as having a low Google Page Rank so you can investigate in the future if you need to delete them?
- You can’t catch all the crooks, but at least you can make note about some link partners that have a low directory page rank when their home page is triple in rank. This usually is a red flag for me and I always try to check up within the next major Search Engine updates to see if the pages are still stagnant or has improved. Personally I view stagnant pages that don’t improve over a two month period as ‘FISHY’ and will delete them no questions asked. You can check a links page and it may be valid but how do you know that this links partner hasn’t deleted all html links to his directory within his site? Not without spending hours researching someone’s else’s site and who has the time!
Can you add comments to each link partner if necessary or what about statistics?
- What if a link partner is spamming your directory with parked domains that are named differently but are actually the exact same site? These link partners will try to acquire multiple links from your site and return the exact same link back to you from their site. If you can make note of these link partners then you will be ahead of the game.
If you can locate all of this in your software and more, then you’ve found a perfect solution. We’ve been looking into the perfect solution and have become very frustrated with what is offered out there. As search engine specialists, we know exactly what the software needs to provide a maximum return on your efforts. To limit yourself and your pages is absolutely unnecessary. Currently, we are in the beta testing mode with our software that provides all of the above and more! Just working out the kinks and hoping to launch by October.